Achilles PR: Updates

FOX | Veterans Day
NOVEMBER 2018 - On Veterans Day, we were pleased and proud to bring Skincando in-studio, at FOX Baltimore. Over the last 5yrs, Sara and SCD have shipped more than 10,000 care packages to the men and women of the U.S. Military stationed in the Middle East. She started in her kitchen--literally with one Kitchen Aid mixer--and has been steadfast in her discipline in growing a business and her commitment to supporting our men and women in uniform.

EWTN News | World Series
OCTOBER 2018 - Doug Eldridge was back in-studio with our friends at EWTN News Nightly to discuss the intersection of faith and sport, on the eve of the 3rd World Series game. Whether Kershaw's staggering work with African orphanages and the homeless in L.A. or Mookie's simple, random acts of kindness in Boston, there are no shortage of good athletes doing great deeds, grounded by faith and purpose.

New Client | Skincando
OCTOBER 2018 - We are proud to welcome Skincando to the Achilles PR family. Founded by Sara Damelio, SCD is an organic, locally-sourced skincare line that gained national traction in the last couple years with the popular "Combat Ready Balm" which was shipped en mass to U.S. military stationed across Iraq and Afghanistan. We look forward to working with Sara and the talented SCD team.

FOX | World Series
OCTOBER 2018 - Doug Eldridge was in-studio with FOX Baltimore to discuss the 'Business of Baseball' and the marketing opportunities available to MLB players during the World Series. "This is the intersection of heightened play and leveraged public perception," said Eldridge. "While the players are grinding it out on the diamond, their management team needs to be pressing flesh, pounding the pavement, breaking bread, opening doors and executing on time-sensitive commercial opportunities on their behalf."

NBC | Working Moms
OCTOBER 2018 - Hilary Eldridge joined NBC anchor, Angie Goff, for a segment focusing on the balance between sleep and work for new moms. With Alexander approaching 18mo--and Hilary working as a partner at Achilles PR, which has a diverse and demanding roster of clients--sleep is a premium on all fronts. We appreciate NBC reaching out and we'll plan to post the full segment on our YouTube channel.
NOTE: Alexander didn't cry until the very end of the segment, pictured here.
SEPTEMBER 2018 - On September 16th, Jon Halapio suffered a season-ending leg injury in the 3rd Quarter of the Giants' primetime game, in Dallas. The following day, the starting OC underwent successful surgery for a lower leg fracture, at the NY HSS. He is projected to make a full recovery in time for participation in the team's off-season training program, in early 2019.